Z myślą o osobach przygotowujących się do matury, innych egzaminów językowych, bądź osób chłonnych wiedzy i uczących się na własną rękę, zamieszczam listę często używanych suffixes, czyli przyrostków w języku angielskim. Na samym początku znajdują się przyrostki do rzeczowników, następnie przyrostki do przymiotników. Miłej lektury i owocnej powtórki! ;) Pamiętajcie, że nie zamieściłam wszystkich możliwych słów, gdyż jest to temat rzeka. Jeszcze będę powracać do tego tematu.
- ment
to improve >>> improvement
to manage >>> management
to govern >>> government
to arrange >>> arrangement
to pay >>> payment
to amuse >>> amusement
to achieve >>> achievement
to disappoint >>> disappointment
to enjoy >>> enjoyment
to replace >>> replacement
to excite >>> excitement
- ion
to elect >>> election
to discuss >>> discussion
to educate >>> education
to translate >>> translation
to pollute >>> pollution
to impress >>> impression
to donate >>> donation
to promote >>> promotion
to add >>> addition
to reduce >>> reduction
to invent >>> invention
to suggest >>> suggestion
to televise >>> television
- ation
to inform >>> information
to organise >>> organisation
to hesitate >>> hesitation
to alter >>> alteration
to complicate >>> complication
to explain >>> explanation
to transport >>> transportation
to create >>> creation
- ing
jog >>> jogging
spell >>> spelling
work >>> working
- al
to propose >>> proposal
to refuse >>> refusal
to arrive >>> arrival
- ance/ - ence
to accept >>> acceptance
to rely >>> reliance
to defend >>> defence
to insist >>> insistence
to employ >>> employee
to train >>> trainee
to pay >>> payee
to address >>> addressee
- er/ - or
to drive >>> driver
to direct >>> director
to act >>> actor
to write >>> writer
to employ >>> employer
to send >>> sender
to open >>> opener
- ity/ - ty
similar >>> similarity
stupid >>> stupidity
punctual >>> punctuality
popular >>> popularity
brutal >>> brutality
equal >>>> equality
cruel >>> cruelty
flexible >>> flexibility
productive >>> productivity
scarce >>> scarcity
- ness
weak >>> weakness
dark >>> darkness
sad >>> sadness
happy >>> happiness
useful >>> usefulness
- dom
bored >>> boredom
free >>> freedom
Marx >>> Marxism
Buddha >>> Buddhism
- ist
terror >>> terrorist
journal >>> journalist
piano >>> pianist
violin >>> violinist
cello >>> cellist
- ship
friend >>> friendship
partner >>> partnership
member >>> membership
- hood
mother >>> motherhood
child >>> childhood
brother >>> brotherhood
father >>> fatherhood
neighbour >>> neighbourhood
to die >>> death
to trust >>> truth
to breathe >>> breath
to heal >>> health
to believe >>> belief
to advise >>> advice
to choose >>> choice
- able/- ible
to enjoy >>> enjoyable
to suit >>> suitable
to drink >>> drinkable
to wash >>> washable
to comprehend >>> comprehensible
to rely >>> reliable
to break >>> breakable
to recognize >>> recognizable
to cont >>> countable
to forgive >>> forgivable
to read >>> readable
knowledge >>> knowledgeable
comfort >>> comfortable
to attract >>> attractive
to create >>> creative
- ful
care >>> careful
help >>> helpful
thought >>> thoughtful
use >>> useful
pain >>> painful
wonder >>> wonderful
beauty >>> beautiful
harm >>> harmful
- less
care >>> careless
pain >>> painless
job >>> jobless
use >>> useless
home >>> homeless
thought >>> thoughtless
harm >>> harmless
cloud >>> cloudless
- y
fog >>> foggy
cloud >>> cloudy
sun >>> sunny
dirt >>> dirty
- al
industry >>> industrial
economics >>> economical
politics >>> political
music >>> musical
- ous
danger >>> dangerous
fame >>> famous
W języku nieformalnym istnieje również suffix - ish dodawany do przymiotników, wieku czy czasu. Oto i kilka przykładów:
thirty >>> thirtyish
red >>> reddish
eight >>> eightish
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